User Support Inquiry

Thank you for using SkyPhone!
If you have any problems, questions or requests, please contact us with the following form.
All information provided in this form is confidential to us.
Note: We sometimes cannot reply to your inquiries in accordance with our privacy policy and so on.

Please fill in all Required fields.

Your Information

RequiredYour name (or username)

RequiredYour email address

Check your email address again.

Please make sure you entered your address correctly.

Inquiry Form

RequiredInquiry category

RequiredYour SkyPhone number

( e.g. 12345679 )

The other person's SkyPhone number

( e.g. 12345679 )


iOS : Device Model

Others :

Android : Vendor

Others :

Device Model

RequiredDetails of your inquiry

If you enable the receiving email setting which allows receiving email messages only from addresses or domains that you specify, please specify the following domain [] or the following address [].
Please note that you may not receive our response due to your junk email filter settings.